ChemHeat In-line High Purity Chemical HeaterBest-in-class heating for wet-process chemistries. Designed to support advanced Ultra-High-Purity(UHP) requirements. ChemHeat utilizes all fluoropolymer wetted materials, an o-ringless sealingdesign, and the capability to detect any breach in the fluid path. Suitable for all non-flammablechemistries in either single pass or recirculating flow applications. FEATURESUltra-High-Purity (UHP) DesignCleanroom assembledChemistry contained within PTFE tubing to eliminateenvironmental exposureNo wetted o-ringsPatented purge technology detects breaches in the fluid pathand prevents chemical permeationCompact, Modular & AdaptableReduced tool design space requirementsEasily retrofits to existing toolsOffers more connection optionsLow Internal Volume...
TUBULAR HEATING/COOLING IMMERSION COILSTubular heat exchanger in Teflon plastic for corrosive applications.For use as a cooler or heater with water.Rigid design. Chemically resistant Teflon covering an Stainless steel tube.The design is very durable in heating applications where pressure spikes can occur.Only 2 fittings, in/out.Thoroughly welded design. Pressure tested at 13 bar.Easy to install. We design the coil to fit your tank.The design is open and easy to inspect and clean if necessary.Flexible and valuable!Max pressure 7 bar.A x B x ThicknessSurface areaCOILS400 x 815 x 50 mm1,2 m²COILS400 x 1650 x 50 mm2,3 m²COILS400 x 815 x 100 mm2,3 m²COILS800 x 430 x 35 mm0,7 m²COILS800 x 430 x 50 mm1,4 m²COILS800 x 430 x 100 mm2,4 m²COILS800 x 860 x ...
PTFE (Fluoropolymer) Flange Immersion HeatersPTFE Flanged Immersion HeatersExcellent chemical resistance to aggressive acidsHeavy wall fluoropolymer sheath (PTFE) covered stainless steel element reduces permeation. Excellent chemical resistance to aggressive acids! Inert to most solutions with a corrosion-resistant head. Check solution recommendation chart with your chemical supplier for proper sheath material selection. Thermal protector built in. 3' and 6' flange sizes. Heats up to 180°F (82°C). 3000-7200 watts, 208-600 volts.Inert to most solutions Low Watt densitydesign saves space& ensures long life Corrosion-resistant head Built-in thermal protector& grounded element Up to 100°C (212°F) 1000 to 18,000 Watts 208 to 600 ...
Six Elements 316 Stainless Steel Heaters-Tubular Industrial Electric Immersion HeatersDurable, efficient metal heater. Available in Steel, 304 Stainless Steel, 316 Stainless Steel, and Titanium. WATTSVOLTSHot zonemm/inOverallmm/inModel No.Ship WT.Lbs./Kg6000240480255(10)430(17)6HSP62176HSP6417 12 (5.5)9000240480405(16)585(23)6HSP92236HSP9423 13 (6)15000240480510(20)735(29)6HSP152296HXP15429 16 (7.5)21000240480635(25)865(34)6HSP212346HSP21434 18 (8.5)FEATURESFor use in most aqueous alkaline solutions, plating and phosphatetanks. Check solution recommendation chart with your chemicalsupplier for proper sheath material selection.Heavy wall metal sheaths available in: steel, 304 stainlesss st...
PFA Immersion Tank Heaters- Industrial Tank Immersion HeatersProduct DescriptionPFA Immersion Frame Heaters are great for heating fluid baths to a constant temperature Markets SemiconductorLife SciencesIndustrialApplicationsFluid Heating Fluoropolymer Sleeve Heating Element Quality resistance element is sleeved in braided material for even coil separation. The entire element is given an outer sleeving of pretested and pre-extruded fluoropolymer tubing. THIS IS NOT A COATED PRODUCT.Over-temperature Thermocouple The over-temperature cutoff device protects the integrity of the fluoropolymer heater. If an opera- tor should leave the heater on while draining or aspirating a tank, when used in conjunction with a temperature control device, it will automatically shut off the ...
Tubular Heating & Cooling ExchangerStainless steel, titanium or zirconium, depending on the liquid to be heated or cooled.Take less space than a grid coil or serpentinecoil.Higher efficiency than serpentine or gridcoil with equal surface area.Easy to install.Can easily be custom fabricated.For use in most alkaline or acid solutionsVertical or horizontal configurationsEvery inch of coil surfaceis active exchange area1.5 inch thick, low profile design 316 stainless steel, Zirconium, Hastelloy C and Titanium5.4 square foot to 30.5 square foot of exchange area100 PSI working pressure (steam or water) One layerA x B x ThicknessSurface areaCoils435 x 920 x 35 mm0,5 m²Coils580 x 1080 x 35 mm0,95 m²Coils600 x 800 x 35 mm0,8 m²Coils600 x 1620 x 35 mm1,9 m²Coils735 ...
Over-the-Side HeatersPreciseHeater Over-the-Side Immersion Heaters are designed toprovide years of trouble free operation if properly installed andmaintained. Please read and follow these instructions forinstalling and maintaining the heater.Over-the-Side Heaters are built with tubular electric resistanceelements soldered or welded to a fabricated box. The heatercan be installed in holding or storage tanks to heat a fluid.Standard designs utilize a riser tube to route the electricalwiring up above the fluid level of the tank.Instructions for Industrial Control Panels, if provided, are perIOM ENM - 2179. For additional product information andofferings, refer to Indeeco catalog literature on CirculationHeaters, Immersion Heaters, or Tubular Heating Elements.Standard construction is rated for...
Teflon (PTFE) Immersion Bottom HeatersOverviewPreciseHeater immersion tank heaters are great for heating fluid baths to a constant temperature. These heaters are ideal for use in the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and biomedical industries. First of all, these immersion heaters provide clean heat evenly and efficiently. Furthermore, they’re compact and highly customizable. They provide a maximum process work area, and consume a minimal amount of chemicals. Moreover, wetted surfaces feature all-PFA materials, and may be used in tanks made of PVDF, PFA, or quartz. Please contact PreciseHeater with inquiries about other tank materials.Harsh Chemicals & DI WaterThese rugged and durable heaters come in grid, frame, and fence models, with outputs of 1.0 to 30.0 kW. They feature a low watt de...
Custom Grid Coils & Heat exchangers Wide variety of materials available for use in heating or cooling applications for alkaline solutions, acid solutions and rinse tanks. Custom designed to your specifications. Heavy wall, 18-20 gauge tubing available in 316 stainless steel, and titanium. Single point connections reduce the potential for leaks and simplify installation.100 PSI working pressure (steam or water).
PTFE/PFA Immersion Tank HeatersMarketsSemiconductorLife SciencesApplicationsFluid HeatingPRODUCT OVERVIEWPreciseHeater's immersion tank heaters are great for heating fluid baths to a constant temperature. These heaters are ideal for use in the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and biomedical industries. First of all, these immersion heaters provide clean heat evenly and efficiently. Furthermore, they’re compact and highly customizable. They provide a maximum process work area, and consume a minimal amount of chemicals. Moreover, wetted surfaces feature all-PFA materials, and may be used in tanks made of PVDF, PFA, or quartz. Please contact PreciseHeater with inquiries about other tank materials.BOTH AGGRESSIVE CHEMISTRIES AND DEIONIZED WATERThese rugged and durable heaters come in grid, f...
1Mpa PTFE Immersion Coil Heat Exchanger For Heating And CoolingTeflon(Fluorpolymer) Heating and cooling coilsExchange areaSq.FtConnectionsInchLengthIn./mmWidthIn./mmThicknessIn./mmModel No.5.53/4 FNPT11.5(292)11.5(292)2(51)XC-12-12113/4 FNPT15.5(394)15.5(394)2(51)XC-16-1616.53/4 FNPT17.5(445)17.5(445)2.36(60)XC-18-18223/4 FNPT19.7(500)15.7(400)2.36(60)XC-20-1627.53/4 FNPT19.7(500)19.7(500)2.36(60)XC-20-20333/4 FNPT23.5(597)23.5(597)2.36(60)XC-24-2438.53/4 FNPT27.5(700)23.5(597)2.36(60)XC-28-24443/4 FNPT27.5(700)27.5(700)2.76(70)XC-28-2849.53/4 FNPT31.5(800)31.5(800)2.76(70)XC-32-32551 FNPT33.9(860)33.9(860)2.76(70)XC-34-3460.51 FNPT35.5(900)31.5(800)2.76(70)XC-36-32661 FNPT35.5(900)33.9(860)2.76(70)XC-36-3471.51 FNPT35.5(900)35.5(900)2.76(70)XC-36-36771 FNPT39.5(1000)33.9(860)3.15(80)XC-40...
PTFE Immersion Heater – FLAT ASSEMBLY TYPE BDescriptionFLAT ASSEMBLY TYPE B – PTFE Immersion HeaterPower from 0.5 kW to 15 kWWith a fixing bracket for an easy installation on the side of the tankMinimum bulkModels adapted to all installations on the side of the tank. With a PVDF or PP fixing bracket to secure the heater on the side.Recommended up to 6 kW.Assembly Type BOn metallic frame coated PP, PVDF, FEP or stainless steel frame.Standard configuration: heating cable coated Teflon® FEP and metallic frame coated PP or PVDF. For use on the side of the tank. Available for heaters with reference beginning with P30, P40 and P90.Accessories and Options:REMOVABLE GUARDS FOR BPerforated plastic guard in PP or PVDF.ref in PP : PRPPP, ref in PVDF : PRPPFCABLE GLAND, 75MM DIAMETERAllow 300 mm ...